Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Timeline Meltdown

Well, the title of today's post should have been Six Days to Final Inspection, BUT our contractor finally told me today just how far behind schedule we actually were.  We are not moving in on the 15th as we had planned, he told us today that we are so far off schedule that he will need until the 27th to get it completely done.  I am happy to give him the extra time he needs...believe me, I don't want him to rush through the finish and detail work and make the house look shoddy.  What upsets me the most is that he waited to long to finally adjust his timeline and inform us.  I have already arranged for utilities like electricity, cable, internet, and water to be turned off at our rental on the 16th.  How I have to go back and start all over again calling and rescheduling. 

Now that I have vented, I am going to post some pictures I took of the varnished cabinets.  I am trying to stay positive about the progress we have made.

Some stonework was also done today....and of course, they ran out of stone and have to order more.