Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nine Days to Final Inspection

The clock is ticking.  We have set an anticipated date of Tuesday 10th of May for our final inspection.  To get that done, we have to have a lot of progress this week.  The cabinet makers were supposed to work this weekend to get everything ready for the painter on Monday morning.  That didn't happen.  They did work on Saturday and Sunday, but they just counldn't get it all done. 

The island finally went in, but it isn't centered correctly.  It feels too close to one side of the kitchen.  I am goign to have them move it tomorrow morning.

The other end of the island has bookshelves for my cookbooks.

The bar also went in today.  It was supposed to be round on the end here, but at this point, I am not about to complain.  I am just glad it is in.