Saturday, May 21, 2011

Strike One!

Well our final inspection was Friday morning and we didn't pass.  There were several minor electrical issues we needed to fix on the "red card".  The electrician came back in and had them fixed within a few hours.  The problem is, you only get one shot at inspection per day, then you have to make another appointment (pay the re-inspection fee) and wait for him to come back.  Our next appointment is Monday and we should pass with flying colors. 

In the mean time, I do have some progress to report.  The stairs are completely done and the wood floors are done upstairs.  Just the downstairs to go.

The painter did a wonderful job on the stairs.  They came out beautiful.

The second handrail wasn't required for code, it just makes it easier for my parents to make it up and down the stairs.  I wouldn't want anyone falling.

You can see that the stairs were stained to match the laminate floors.  They are pretty close, but not perfect. 

Guest bedroom with finished wood flooring

I like the way the dark floors look with the white trim and beige walls

Upstairs hallway leading to laundry room and attic access door