Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Driveway and Granite

The driveway is going to go in on Friday, so today the dumptrucks came in and dumped 13 loads of dirt to grade the slope away from the foundation and prepare a pad for the driveway.

Lots of dirt right in front where the parking pad and sidewalks go.

Countertops in the entire house are complete and ready for grout tomorrow.

Island with cutout for cooktop

I am glad I had the granite backsplash put in.

Shower hardware was installed in the master bathroom

All the master bathroom hardware is from this same set.

There was enough granite to do the laundry room cabinets also

Balcony railings went in today.  Just need paint

Wood flooring should go down by this weekend. 

Pedistool sink waiting to be installed in Guest Bathroom