Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait

It has been very frustrating seeing NOTHING getting done on the house.  Our framers have moved on to bigger and better jobs and left us high and dry for 3 days.  Luckily we haven't paid them their last payment so we have a little leverage trying to get them back.  I think they actually came by and worked for about 2 hours today.  Better than nothing.  I am glad we are almost done with them.
They did get the stairs put in (sort of).  They are only half done, so it is quite a balancing act to get up to the second floor right now.

Electrician seems like he is going to be fast.  He has these boxes all over the house already.

Finally a subcontractor that seems to know what he is doing and actually wants to get his job done.

Plumber also seems to be moving right along.  After only 1/2 day working, he already did quite a bit of work.  Maybe this next phase will go quickly.