Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Brick Problems

OK, so for two weeks our bricks were missing in action, finally yesterday, they showed up and were delivered.  So far so good.  Today, the bricklayer arrives this morning and starts his work.  Some time after lunch, after the bricklayer has done most of the garage, the contractor arrives to check on the work and realizes that ITS THE WRONG BRICK!

I got a phone call and went straight over to the house.  This brick is not even close to what we ordered.  I saw it on the palets and thought to myself that is looked different that I remembered.  I just wrote that off to the lighting, and the brick not being up on the house. 

So, turns out that our brick never showed up at our supplier, so he called another local brick supplier and ordered what he thought was our brick.  It obviously wasn't right.  So, our bricklayer is now going to charge $1,300 to take the old brick off and redo that wall.  

Such a frustrating day!   So, here are the pics of the brick.  At this point, I am willing to let the brick stay, even though it isn't what I ordered, if they were to give me a discount for all the runaround they are giving me.   What do you think?  Keep it? or start over and lose a another week?