Monday, February 14, 2011

Clearing the Lot

When we bought the 3/4 acre lot, it was full of brush and lots of debris that had been dumped on it over the years.  First thing we had to do was get some heavy equipment in to level it out and clean it up. 

This truck brought in about 12 loads of dirt.  We could have used a lot more, but dirt is more expensive that you might think.  The lawn will have some low spots, but I will have those filled in later.
This is the man who did the leveling in the middle of one of his (long) stories.  He loved to talk.  Pretty interesting guy. 
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After some checking with the irrigation district, we determined that this standpipe was part of an abandoned irrigation system.  We got permission to knock it down , but for some reason, we kind of like it there.  We left it.